Mass Observing - COVID-19

Mass-Observing COVID-19 Database

You can use this database to explore material collected by Mass Observation during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2021). This database contains both the catalogue and the narrative responses.

Search results can be viewed on the database or downloaded as a .csv spreadsheet for use in Excel. Full text PDFs of the narrative responses can also be downloaded. Please see our Terms and Conditions around using these narratives

Simple filters can be applied to the database, but for more complicated searching we recommend downloading the data as an Excel spreadsheet and using this to filter the data.

The How to use the database and Using the narrative material links provide guidance on using the database and the narrative material. Background information provides context on how the material was collected and catalogued. The writers were provided with these instructions

We suggest you view these pages before you search the collection.

Please be cautious that some material contains distressing and sensitive content. You may also see language that is outdated or offensive.

Please be aware that narratives were submitted in an unprecedented situation and writers did not always observe the usual guidelines to avoid including potentially identifiable details. We have made every effort to protect their identity.

The creation of this database was funded by the Wellcome Trust between 2022 and 2023

Collection Search

MO Code
Type of Submission
Title of Collection
Full Text Search

Participant's Year of birth (directives only)
Year Participant joined (directives only)
Relationship Status
Living Arrangement (directives only)
Employment Status
Religion (directives only)
Birth cohort
Sexuality (directives only)
Disability (directives only)

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Archive RefType of submissionTitle of CollectionMO CodeKeywordsResponse FormatPhysical DescriptionExtent in pagesLanguageDate ReceivedDescriptionView
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